Porody w Wojewódzkim Szpitalu Zespolonym im. St. Rybickiego w Skierniewicach odbywają się w ramach koordynowanej opieki nad kobietą w ciąży.
Od 1 września 2017 roku porody i opieka nad noworodkiem odbywają się na drugim poziomie referencyjnym, co oznacza, oprócz porodów z ciąż niezagrożonych, w szpitalu przyjmowane są również porody od 32-go tygodnia ciąży, mnogie oraz zagrożone infekcjami wrodzonymi. Podwyższony poziom specjalizacji w Wojewódzkim Szpitalu Zespolonym im. St. Rybickiego w Skierniewicach oznacza poszerzoną opiekę nad noworodkiem. W oddziale neonatologicznym utworzono salę intensywnego nadzoru. Dzięki temu zostaną tu objęte opieką także dzieci, które urodziły się np. z wrodzonymi infekcjami, niewydolnością oddechową, wymagające wsparcia oddechowego. Dotyczy to także tych dzieci, które po urodzeniu się w innym szpitalu i wypisie do domu zostały skierowane do dalszego leczenia szpitalnego.
Koordynowana opieka nad kobietą w ciąży gwarantuje całkowicie bezpłatne, kompleksowe i nielimitowane wykonanie pacjentkom i noworodkom wszystkich niezbędnych, objętych programem badań diagnostycznych i procedur medycznych.
W celu zapoznania się ze szczegółowym planem opieki w ramach Programu Koordynowanej Opieki nad Kobietą w Ciąży (KOCII), warunkami pobytu i porodu w szpitalu, a także wieloma innymi cennymi wskazówkami należy kliknąć w linki poniżej:
Starlite Pretty Photo
This plugin is based on pretty photo jquery plugin which is jQuery lightbox clone. It supports images, it also supports for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo. In this way, it is a robust lightbox.
It is a system plugin so you can use it in content, modules, components everywhere.
Main features:
* It is open source and under GNU/GPL license.
* It provides easy interface.
* It can display lightbox for single image, image gallery, videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo.
* It supports to display title, description, social tools etc in the lightbox.
* Provides several layout themes like default, facebook, Light rounded, Dark rounded, Light square and Dart square.
* Highly customizable.
This plugin is known to work in the following browsers:
* Firefox 3.0+
* Google Chrome 10.0+
* Internet Explorer 6.0+
* Safari 3.1.1+
* Opera 9+
Starlite Pretty Photo
This plugin is based on pretty photo jquery plugin which is jQuery lightbox clone. It supports images, it also supports for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo. In this way, it is a robust lightbox.
It is a system plugin so you can use it in content, modules, components everywhere.
Main features:
* It is open source and under GNU/GPL license.
* It provides easy interface.
* It can display lightbox for single image, image gallery, videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo.
* It supports to display title, description, social tools etc in the lightbox.
* Provides several layout themes like default, facebook, Light rounded, Dark rounded, Light square and Dart square.
* Highly customizable.
This plugin is known to work in the following browsers:
* Firefox 3.0+
* Google Chrome 10.0+
* Internet Explorer 6.0+
* Safari 3.1.1+
* Opera 9+
Starlite Pretty Photo
This plugin is based on pretty photo jquery plugin which is jQuery lightbox clone. It supports images, it also supports for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo. In this way, it is a robust lightbox.
It is a system plugin so you can use it in content, modules, components everywhere.
Main features:
* It is open source and under GNU/GPL license.
* It provides easy interface.
* It can display lightbox for single image, image gallery, videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo.
* It supports to display title, description, social tools etc in the lightbox.
* Provides several layout themes like default, facebook, Light rounded, Dark rounded, Light square and Dart square.
* Highly customizable.
This plugin is known to work in the following browsers:
* Firefox 3.0+
* Google Chrome 10.0+
* Internet Explorer 6.0+
* Safari 3.1.1+
* Opera 9+
Starlite Pretty Photo
This plugin is based on pretty photo jquery plugin which is jQuery lightbox clone. It supports images, it also supports for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo. In this way, it is a robust lightbox.
It is a system plugin so you can use it in content, modules, components everywhere.
Main features:
* It is open source and under GNU/GPL license.
* It provides easy interface.
* It can display lightbox for single image, image gallery, videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo.
* It supports to display title, description, social tools etc in the lightbox.
* Provides several layout themes like default, facebook, Light rounded, Dark rounded, Light square and Dart square.
* Highly customizable.
This plugin is known to work in the following browsers:
* Firefox 3.0+
* Google Chrome 10.0+
* Internet Explorer 6.0+
* Safari 3.1.1+
* Opera 9+
Starlite Pretty Photo
This plugin is based on pretty photo jquery plugin which is jQuery lightbox clone. It supports images, it also supports for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo. In this way, it is a robust lightbox.
It is a system plugin so you can use it in content, modules, components everywhere.
Main features:
* It is open source and under GNU/GPL license.
* It provides easy interface.
* It can display lightbox for single image, image gallery, videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo.
* It supports to display title, description, social tools etc in the lightbox.
* Provides several layout themes like default, facebook, Light rounded, Dark rounded, Light square and Dart square.
* Highly customizable.
This plugin is known to work in the following browsers:
* Firefox 3.0+
* Google Chrome 10.0+
* Internet Explorer 6.0+
* Safari 3.1.1+
* Opera 9+
Starlite Pretty Photo
This plugin is based on pretty photo jquery plugin which is jQuery lightbox clone. It supports images, it also supports for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo. In this way, it is a robust lightbox.
It is a system plugin so you can use it in content, modules, components everywhere.
Main features:
* It is open source and under GNU/GPL license.
* It provides easy interface.
* It can display lightbox for single image, image gallery, videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo.
* It supports to display title, description, social tools etc in the lightbox.
* Provides several layout themes like default, facebook, Light rounded, Dark rounded, Light square and Dart square.
* Highly customizable.
This plugin is known to work in the following browsers:
* Firefox 3.0+
* Google Chrome 10.0+
* Internet Explorer 6.0+
* Safari 3.1.1+
* Opera 9+
Starlite Pretty Photo
This plugin is based on pretty photo jquery plugin which is jQuery lightbox clone. It supports images, it also supports for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo. In this way, it is a robust lightbox.
It is a system plugin so you can use it in content, modules, components everywhere.
Main features:
* It is open source and under GNU/GPL license.
* It provides easy interface.
* It can display lightbox for single image, image gallery, videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo.
* It supports to display title, description, social tools etc in the lightbox.
* Provides several layout themes like default, facebook, Light rounded, Dark rounded, Light square and Dart square.
* Highly customizable.
This plugin is known to work in the following browsers:
* Firefox 3.0+
* Google Chrome 10.0+
* Internet Explorer 6.0+
* Safari 3.1.1+
* Opera 9+
Starlite Pretty Photo
This plugin is based on pretty photo jquery plugin which is jQuery lightbox clone. It supports images, it also supports for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo. In this way, it is a robust lightbox.
It is a system plugin so you can use it in content, modules, components everywhere.
Main features:
* It is open source and under GNU/GPL license.
* It provides easy interface.
* It can display lightbox for single image, image gallery, videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo.
* It supports to display title, description, social tools etc in the lightbox.
* Provides several layout themes like default, facebook, Light rounded, Dark rounded, Light square and Dart square.
* Highly customizable.
This plugin is known to work in the following browsers:
* Firefox 3.0+
* Google Chrome 10.0+
* Internet Explorer 6.0+
* Safari 3.1.1+
* Opera 9+
karta informacyjna KOCII - zalecany zakres świadczeń profilaktycznych i działań w zakresie promocji zdrowia oraz badań diagnostycznych i konsultacji medycznych, wykonywanych u kobiet w okresie ciąży, wraz z okresami ich przeprowadzania (wg zarządzenia Ministra Zdrowia z dn. 20 września 2012 r. - Dz. U. Poz. 1100 z późn. zm.);
Folder informacyjny
tel. (46) 834 08 65
Oddział położniczo-ginekologiczny
Adres: ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 4 (budynek główny, II piętro)
Kierownik – lek. Joanna Jastrzębska
Położna Oddziałowa – Lidia Marat
tel. 46 834-07-61 - pokój lekarski
tel. 46 834-08-80 - dyżurka położnych (odcinek ginekologiczny)
tel. 46 834-08-65 - dyżurka położnych (odcinek położniczy)
tel. 46 834-07-88 - sala porodowa
Oddział noworodków
Adres: ul. Jana III Sobieskiego 4 (budynek główny, II piętro)
Kierownik – dr n. med. Marcin Kalisiak
Pielęgniarka Oddziałowa – Joanna Grotkowska
tel. 46 834-08-71 - pokój lekarski
tel. 46 834-08-65 - dyżurka pielęgniarek
Poradnia położniczo-ginekologiczna
Adres: ul. Wita Stwosza 1
tel. 46 833-29-69 lub 833-33-40 wew. 19
Rejestracja do poradni odbywa się bez skierowania lekarskiego. Pacjentka zobowiązana jest do podania numeru PESEL. Istnieje możliwość rejestracji telefonicznej.