dr n. med. Edyta Zielińska
tel. 46 834 08 27
Zastępca Kierownika
lek. Paulina Białek
tel. 46 834 08 22
p.o.Pielęgniarki Oddziałowej
Halina Wiosna-Ciąpała
tel. 46 834 08 42
Gabinet leczenia zaćmy
885 705 508
Sekretarka Medyczna
tel. 46 834 07 63
Rejestracja Okulistyczna
tel. 46 834 08 84
Dyżurka pielęgniarek
46 834 08 57
Pokój lekarzy
tel. 46 834 08 22
Lekarze: Lekarze: lek. Danuta Pągowska, lek. Jadwiga Próba, dr n.med. Iwona Laudańska Olszewska, lek. Kinga Raurowicz, lek. Emilia Nowowiejska, dr n.med. Maja Waszczyk- Łączak, lek. Magdalena Sołtysiuk.
Adres: ul. Rybickiego 1, pawilon G
Starlite Pretty Photo
This plugin is based on pretty photo jquery plugin which is jQuery lightbox clone. It supports images, it also supports for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo. In this way, it is a robust lightbox.
It is a system plugin so you can use it in content, modules, components everywhere.
Main features:
* It is open source and under GNU/GPL license.
* It provides easy interface.
* It can display lightbox for single image, image gallery, videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo.
* It supports to display title, description, social tools etc in the lightbox.
* Provides several layout themes like default, facebook, Light rounded, Dark rounded, Light square and Dart square.
* Highly customizable.
This plugin is known to work in the following browsers:
* Firefox 3.0+
* Google Chrome 10.0+
* Internet Explorer 6.0+
* Safari 3.1.1+
* Opera 9+
Starlite Pretty Photo
This plugin is based on pretty photo jquery plugin which is jQuery lightbox clone. It supports images, it also supports for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo. In this way, it is a robust lightbox.
It is a system plugin so you can use it in content, modules, components everywhere.
Main features:
* It is open source and under GNU/GPL license.
* It provides easy interface.
* It can display lightbox for single image, image gallery, videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo.
* It supports to display title, description, social tools etc in the lightbox.
* Provides several layout themes like default, facebook, Light rounded, Dark rounded, Light square and Dart square.
* Highly customizable.
This plugin is known to work in the following browsers:
* Firefox 3.0+
* Google Chrome 10.0+
* Internet Explorer 6.0+
* Safari 3.1.1+
* Opera 9+
Starlite Pretty Photo
This plugin is based on pretty photo jquery plugin which is jQuery lightbox clone. It supports images, it also supports for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo. In this way, it is a robust lightbox.
It is a system plugin so you can use it in content, modules, components everywhere.
Main features:
* It is open source and under GNU/GPL license.
* It provides easy interface.
* It can display lightbox for single image, image gallery, videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo.
* It supports to display title, description, social tools etc in the lightbox.
* Provides several layout themes like default, facebook, Light rounded, Dark rounded, Light square and Dart square.
* Highly customizable.
This plugin is known to work in the following browsers:
* Firefox 3.0+
* Google Chrome 10.0+
* Internet Explorer 6.0+
* Safari 3.1.1+
* Opera 9+
Starlite Pretty Photo
This plugin is based on pretty photo jquery plugin which is jQuery lightbox clone. It supports images, it also supports for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo. In this way, it is a robust lightbox.
It is a system plugin so you can use it in content, modules, components everywhere.
Main features:
* It is open source and under GNU/GPL license.
* It provides easy interface.
* It can display lightbox for single image, image gallery, videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo.
* It supports to display title, description, social tools etc in the lightbox.
* Provides several layout themes like default, facebook, Light rounded, Dark rounded, Light square and Dart square.
* Highly customizable.
This plugin is known to work in the following browsers:
* Firefox 3.0+
* Google Chrome 10.0+
* Internet Explorer 6.0+
* Safari 3.1.1+
* Opera 9+
Starlite Pretty Photo
This plugin is based on pretty photo jquery plugin which is jQuery lightbox clone. It supports images, it also supports for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo. In this way, it is a robust lightbox.
It is a system plugin so you can use it in content, modules, components everywhere.
Main features:
* It is open source and under GNU/GPL license.
* It provides easy interface.
* It can display lightbox for single image, image gallery, videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo.
* It supports to display title, description, social tools etc in the lightbox.
* Provides several layout themes like default, facebook, Light rounded, Dark rounded, Light square and Dart square.
* Highly customizable.
This plugin is known to work in the following browsers:
* Firefox 3.0+
* Google Chrome 10.0+
* Internet Explorer 6.0+
* Safari 3.1.1+
* Opera 9+
Starlite Pretty Photo
This plugin is based on pretty photo jquery plugin which is jQuery lightbox clone. It supports images, it also supports for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo. In this way, it is a robust lightbox.
It is a system plugin so you can use it in content, modules, components everywhere.
Main features:
* It is open source and under GNU/GPL license.
* It provides easy interface.
* It can display lightbox for single image, image gallery, videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo.
* It supports to display title, description, social tools etc in the lightbox.
* Provides several layout themes like default, facebook, Light rounded, Dark rounded, Light square and Dart square.
* Highly customizable.
This plugin is known to work in the following browsers:
* Firefox 3.0+
* Google Chrome 10.0+
* Internet Explorer 6.0+
* Safari 3.1.1+
* Opera 9+
Starlite Pretty Photo
This plugin is based on pretty photo jquery plugin which is jQuery lightbox clone. It supports images, it also supports for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo. In this way, it is a robust lightbox.
It is a system plugin so you can use it in content, modules, components everywhere.
Main features:
* It is open source and under GNU/GPL license.
* It provides easy interface.
* It can display lightbox for single image, image gallery, videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo.
* It supports to display title, description, social tools etc in the lightbox.
* Provides several layout themes like default, facebook, Light rounded, Dark rounded, Light square and Dart square.
* Highly customizable.
This plugin is known to work in the following browsers:
* Firefox 3.0+
* Google Chrome 10.0+
* Internet Explorer 6.0+
* Safari 3.1.1+
* Opera 9+
Starlite Pretty Photo
This plugin is based on pretty photo jquery plugin which is jQuery lightbox clone. It supports images, it also supports for videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo. In this way, it is a robust lightbox.
It is a system plugin so you can use it in content, modules, components everywhere.
Main features:
* It is open source and under GNU/GPL license.
* It provides easy interface.
* It can display lightbox for single image, image gallery, videos, flash, YouTube, iframes and Vimeo.
* It supports to display title, description, social tools etc in the lightbox.
* Provides several layout themes like default, facebook, Light rounded, Dark rounded, Light square and Dart square.
* Highly customizable.
This plugin is known to work in the following browsers:
* Firefox 3.0+
* Google Chrome 10.0+
* Internet Explorer 6.0+
* Safari 3.1.1+
* Opera 9+
Oddział pracuje od poniedziałku do piątku w godz. 7.30 - 15.05.
Oddział współpracuje z Poradnią Okulistyczną.
choroby narządu wzroku
1. usunięcie zaćmy powikłanej z jednoczesnym wszczepieniem soczewki
2. usunięcie zaćmy niepowikłanej z jednoczesnym wszczepieniem soczewki
3. średnie zabiegi na soczewce
4. średnie zabiegi na aparacie ochronnym oka
5. małe zabiegi na aparacie ochronnym oka
6. małe zabiegi na oczodole i aparacie łzowym
7. średnie zabiegi na rogówce i twardówce
8. duże zabiegi w jaskrze i na naczyniówce
9. inne procedury w zakresie oka
10. leczenie zachowawcze okulistyczne
11. iniekcja anty vegf w cukrzycowym obrzęku plamki i obrzęku plamki w zakrzepie żyły środkowej siatkówki
program lekowy
12. leczenie neowaskularnej (wysiękowej) postaci zwyrodnienia plamki zwiazanego z wiekiem(amd) -- iniekcja anty vegf
13. leczenie cukrzycowego obrzęku plamki (DME)
Kwalifikacja pacjentów do operacji zaćmy
poniedziałek |
spec. okulista Emilia Nowowiejska |
11.30-13.00 |
wtorek |
spec. okulista Maja Waszczyk-Łączak |
11.30-13.00 |
środa |
spec. okulista Magdalena Sołtysiuk |
11.30-13.00 |
czwartek |
spec. okulista Paulina Białek |
11.30-13.00 |
piątek |
spec. okulista Danuta Pągowska |
11.30-13.00 |